Cups from student’s races 1. The sanctuary of Saint George (Agios Georgios) of Nikaia the Polinikes School 3-6-62 2. N. Karyes 1964 School badge of the Third Primary School (Donation: Maria Pispirigkou – Tsinikosmaoglou)
“Juliet” camera with two lenses. It is a distant past, since today there are so many technological means for taking photos. But for the students back then, it was unprecedented and impressive!
Electrical tape device for recording and playing music or other sounds. It is actually a tape recorder (two reels/films instead of a cassette/tape). It was usually used at school holidays or during parade rehearsals.
Projection on the wall of opaque objects. It was late to enter schools because there was no electricity until 1960. Something like the projector of our time.
Erika Typewriter of 1950 (with case): a machine that we use to write a text by pressing its keys. The typewriter’s keyboard was later imitated by the manufacturers of the first computer keyboards. Humorous element: less material today, less effort. From typewriters to touch screens
The dial phone only existed on the principal’s desk. Today’s students have not even seen an analog phone. In comparison with phones today, the past ones were certainly much bigger.
The principal used to symbolize power. The trinity of power was the State, Knowledge, and the Church. The tools of his power were the rod and the seals. The principal of the school has always been the terror of the students.
Part of the school life was the bell ringing by the school caretaker, signaling this way the breaks, the beginning, and the end of the lesson. It was of course manual, and the students had practiced listening to it no matter how far away they were. Today in schools, electric bells are used, that can …
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